Jan 22, 2011
Barbara, Tom, John, Scott, Trish and Leon met to work in the vineyard to rake and gather the vines that were pruned to prepare for the new growing season. We still need to get the remainder of the wines off the ground so we can come in and spray. By spraying this time of the year we can prevent some of the noxious weeds we fought last year. Some of the vines are really getting big and we discovered a few whoops here and there.
We also met to plan the budget for 2011. Work weekends will be starting soon. If you have a free day or weekend you might try to get with some of the others and do some work. We need to use the ag-ties to get the thick, heavy cordons secured to the wires before spring growth. And we really need the vines raked and carted off to prevent disease reoccurring in the new growth.
Here's looking forward to the spring and summer work at Sandyland Vineyard!!!